Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1
Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1

which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1
  1. Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1 for mac#
  2. Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1 upgrade#
  3. Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1 free#

In almost all consumer or end user uses of a Mac Pro, it's highly unlikely that memory transfer speed will be a performance bottleneck (the reason that SSD's became such an important upgrade despite the initial high cost is that file access times affected almost all Mac users).

Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1 for mac#

Here's a really nice link too for Mac performance questions

  • Used: The sum of Wired, Active and Inactive memory.
  • Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1 free#

    For example, if you recently quit an application, its data is kept in memory for faster relaunch but it will be used by other application if you run out of Free memory.

  • Inactive: Data which is currently in memory but is no longer being used.
  • Active: Data which is currently in memory and has been accessed recently.
  • Wired: Data which must remain in RAM and can't be moved to disk.
  • For completeness, here's what each item represents. This should help you determine whether you will get any benefit from more RAM. You could perform whatever activity you expect to push your system with Activity Monitor open and monitor these figures throughout. Anything above 0 in Page Outs means you could potentially benefit from more RAM. Free shows how much RAM is currently available, Page Outs is an indicator that your system is running out of RAM and has had to write temporary data to disk. The figures in this screenshot you should be interested in are Free and Page Outs. Near the bottom of the window, select the tab button labelled 'System Memory' and take a look at the pie chart and figures listed beneath. You can use Activity Monitor or a third party resource monitoring tool to determine the bottleneck.įor example, to determine whether your system is running out of RAM, fire up Activity Monitor. The OS in this case is windows but the principles are the same.

    which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1

    If you are a programmer you probably understand these concepts anyway but here's a link to a codinghorror article just explaining the process of finding bottlenecks which I think is easy to read. I know I've probably raised more questions than I've answered but it's worth considering them if you're looking for a performance improvement for your investment. If you have two 6-core CPUs, can your compiler use all that processing power? It may even turn out that the CPU or the compiler is the bottleneck. The important thing here is to find the bottleneck rather than hoping that adding RAM will make things run quicker. If you run a compile with Activity Monitor running are you using all the RAM you have? Is disk I/O particularly high? If disk I/O is high but your RAM is not fully utilised you may be better off with an SSD hard drive to run your compilations from rather than adding RAM, check for paging to disk during the compile. It's difficult without measuring usage to say whether there will be any benefit from adding more RAM. To determine whether you would benefit from more total RAM or from keeping your RAM in triple channel mode would require benchmarks. In summary, the instructions for your model go like so: Firstly, here are the memory replacement instructions for your Mac.

    which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1

    You need a more in-depth analysis than that. However, there are no guarantees that your machine will perform the tasks you use it for any quicker in either mode. The direct answer to your question is you will get marginally higher peak memory bandwidth with 6 matched memory modules running in triple channel mode than you will with 8 matched memory modules in dual channel mode.

    Which xeon single processor work in mac pro 5.1